Make a Difference

For over 30 years, our program has stood out for its unique combination of mentoring and tuition assistance for urban high school students in northern New Jersey. We have provided over 2350 scholarships to NJ Students. Over the past ten years, 100% of our students graduated from high school and were accepted into college, post-secondary school, or the armed services, thereby providing a critical step towards breaking the cycle of poverty.

YOU can make a difference by supporting a student,

Volunteer with S/PA

There are many ways that you can volunteer your time and resources with Student/Partner Alliance. We are a local, Summit based non-profit with a focus on supporting urban high school students. Our unique combination of mentoring and scholarships sets our students up for success.

  • Mentoring connects a young person to personal growth and development, and social and economic opportunity.
  • Become a Mentor – A Mentor provides mentoring support only for a matched student for 4 years.
  • Become a Partner – A Partner provides financial tuition assistance of $3000 per year as well as mentoring for a matched student for 4 years.
  • Become a Sponsor – A Sponsor provides financial support of at least $3000 per year for a matched student for 4 years.


Benefits of a Mentor

Research shows a young adult who has a mentor is 55% more likely to enroll in college and 46% less likely to start using illegal drugs.  (
Young adults who face an opportunity gap but have a mentor are 55% more likely to be enrolled in college than those who did not have a mentor. (The Mentoring Effect, 2014)